Johnston County Area Transit System (JCATS)
1050 W. Noble Street
Selma, NC 27576
phone: (919) 202-5030
fax: (919) 202-5032
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
6:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Please note that we are closed in observance of the holidays below:
New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas
Human Services Transportation
(Transportation by a Variety of Means)
Transportation services are provided in various ways, including medical trips in Johnston County and to destinations out of the county, workplace and job training, senior centers, child care centers, social services, public hearings, dental care.
Agencies must be contacted directly to apply for human service transportation.
(In some cases, there may be a fee to cover the cost).
If you receive Medicaid, contact Johnston County DSS at: (919) 202.5873
If you are 60+, contact Community & Senior Services at: (919) 934.6066
Contracting Agencies:
(You may call the number or click on the website linked to each name.)
Johnston Co. Community & Senior Services (919) 934.6066
Johnston Co. Mental Health (919) 989.5500
Johnston Co. Social Services (919) 202.5873
Johnston Co. Industries (919) 743.8700
NC Dept. of Vocational Rehabilitation (919) 934.0525

Phone: 919-202-5030
Fax: 919-202-5032
TDD/TTY: 800-735-2962