Home Delivered Meals Volunteers
Using your own automobile, help bring a smile and a nutritionally balanced meal (which is provided for you) to a senior in your community. One can choose to deliver as little or as many days of the month they would like.
Skilled Labor Volunteers
Those who have knowledge of electrical, plumbing, construction, etc., are greatly needed to donate their time and expertise to seniors who cannot afford the cost of small home repairs.
Senior Center Volunteers
Volunteer as a receptionist, class instructor, or committee member in any of our three multipurpose senior centers. All skills can be helpful. Contact the coordinator at Benson, Clayton, or Harrison to learn about specific volunteer opportunities at each center!
Golden Wishes Annual Program
Adopt or Sponsor a local senior in need! You will receive their wish list, then purchase, wrap and deliver your gifts to spread Christmas cheer! You or your organization may also donate or contribute to CSS's annual Golden Wishes Program.