FREE Healthy Living Programs
Offered By Our Centers For Active Aging
Below are currently three different healthy living programs offered by our Centers for Active Aging, located in Benson, Selma and Clayton. They are offered for FREE to the public as Community & Senior Services are advocates of such programs that promote the well being of the seniors in and around our community of Johnston County, North Carolina. Please feel free to call either of our centers to see when the next classes you are interested in are offered so you that you sign up.
Benson Center for Active Aging: 919-894-2370
Clayton Center for Active Aging: 919-553-4350
Harrison Center (in Selma) for Active Aging: 919-965-2627
or call our office at: 919-934-6066 and ask for our Community Services Director.
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Tai Chi for Arthritis
The Tai Chi for Health programs (TCH) were recommended by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), Arthritis Foundations and many organizations around the world. Many people have benefited from these programs. Learn More HERE.
Millions around the world have gained health benefits from the TCA programs. Scientific studies have shown that the TCA program relieves pain, improves quality of life, and helps people feel better overall. It has also been shown to help prevent falls.
Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program (AFEP)
Take control to effect and/or improve your well-being when suffering from arthritis
Low-impact physical activity program proven to reduce pain and decrease stiffness. The sessions include gentle range-of-motion exercises that are suitable for every fitness level and ability. Led by a trained program leader, these enjoyable and motivational classes may be taken either standing or sitting in a chair.
Potential Benefits:
Overall sense of well-being
Better quality of life
Reduction of pain/inflammation
Increased social interaction
Improved joint function
Increased muscular strength
Fun, safe and effective way to promote better health