Primary highways receive priority treatment by NCDOT ice and snow removal teams. Flooded roads require detours. All other secondary roads receive treatment as resources can be shifted to them. JCATS's primary responsibility is the safety of its passengers and drivers. In order to carry out this responsibility, and in cooperation with our using agencies, the following procedures will be followed in the event of inclement weather (ice, snow, and/or high water).
Depending on the condition of secondary roads, side streets, and driveways, only essential medical trips may be provided. This determination will be made by the Transportation Director and will be in coordination with contracting agencies (and medical facilities to the extent possible). Because of the unpredictability of local impacts from weather systems, changes in operational status may come on short notice.
In the event of an evacuation emergency or natural disaster (such as a hurricane), all scheduled transportation service will be discontinued. Every effort will be made to take those passengers who are en route or at appointments back to their homes as quickly as possible. JCATS vehicles and drivers will then be made available to Johnston County Emergency Services to transport affected citizens to safe shelters.
In any weather-related or evacuation event, JCATS will report changes in its operational status to contracted agencies. Agencies shall be responsible for arranging alternate transportation for their clients if deemed necessary during inclement weather, emergency evacuations, or at any such time that JCATS cannot operate on regular schedule.
The Transportation Director will contact designated TV stations (WRAL TV 5 & WTVD TV 11) to report inclement weather scheduling information. These reports may involve complete cancellation of service, delay of the start of service, or cancellation of specific routes. Please tune to these TV stations and/or view their websites for information on closing and delays.
NOTE: Because of the unpredictability of local impacts from weather systems, changes in operational status may come on short notice. Refreshing your browser may help in receiving new alerts on this page.
Check WRAL TV 5 and WTVD TV 11

Phone: 919-202-5030
Fax: 919-202-5032
TDD/TTY: 800-735-2962