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JCATS was established in 1985 when NC Department of Transportation required consolidation of county transportation services. Prior to this, individual human service agencies such as Department of Social Services, Mental Health, Johnston County Industries, and others, each provided their own transportation.


Today, JCATS is a division of Community & Senior Services of Johnston County, Inc. (CSS), and is governed by the CSS Board along with guidance from the Transportation Advisory Board (TAB). TAB members include community representatives from county agencies, elected officials, and the general public.


JCATS operates a fleet of over thirty (30) buses and vans which are ADA compliant to assist those with specialized needs. All are wheelchair accessible. JCATS offers transportation through contracting human service agencies and for the general public.


Our ADA Coordinator can be reached at (919) 202-5030.


If you are a county resident, you are eligible to ride JCATS!






Funding, Support, and Policy

JCATS is one of approximately 100 transit systems across North Carolina. A portion of JCATS funding is through local, state and federal grants. JCATS also receives fares from public transportation and payment from county agencies on a shared per mile basis. JCATS receives direct consulting support from NCDOT in addition to peer support from other county transit systems.

Americans with Disabilities Act Policy

It is the policy of Johnston County Area Transit System to abide by all provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and US Department of Transportation (DOT) implementation regulation found at 49 CFR Parts 27, 37 and 38 as amended, in the delivery of transit services that are open to the public and prohibits discrimination based on disability and sets specific requirements that transit agencies must follow.

Reasonable Modification Public Notice

 Johnston County Area Transit System (JCATS) is committed to ensuring a reliable, accessible experience for all customers. If, due to a disability, you are not able to fully utilize JCATS programs and services because of a policy or procedure that JCATS has established, you may submit a request for a modification of the policy or procedure. To request a modification, complete a request for policy procedure form which is available by clicking this link or by calling 919-202-5030. All requests for reasonable modifications to JCATS policies or procedures will be considered on an individual basis. Please note that JCATS may be unable to accommodate requests for modifications which would:
(1) result in a fundamental alteration to the nature of the service;
(2) create a direct threat to the health or safety of others, and;
(3) create an undue financial or administrative burden.

Requests for modifications might also not be granted if JCATS determines that the service can be fully utilized without the requested change. In the event that a barrier to access exists, but the requested modification cannot be granted, JCATS will, to the maximum extent possible, assist in determining other possible actions that might be taken to provide access to its programs and services.


Title VI Notice to the Public of Protection under Title VI & Notice of Complaint Procedure U.S. Department of Justice regulations, 28 Code of the Federal Regulations, Section 42.405, Public Dissemination of Title VI Information, requires recipients of Federal financial assistance to publish or broadcast program information in the news media. Advertisements must state that the program is an equal opportunity program and/or indicate that Federal law prohibits discrimination. Additionally reasonable steps shall be taken to publish information in languages understood by the population eligible to be served or likely to be directly affected by senior service or transportation projects.


Community and Senior Services of Johnston County (CSS) hereby gives public notice that it is the policy of the agency to assure full compliance with the Title VI Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, Executive Order 12898 Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low- Income Populations, Executive Order 13166 Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency, and related nondiscrimination statues and regulations in all programs and services. It is the Agency's policy that no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, sex, age, income status, national origin, or disabilities be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program, activities, or services for which Community & Senior Services of Johnston Co. (CSS) receives Federal financial assistance.


***Any person who believes they have been mistreated by an unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI  or ADA policy has a right to file a formal complaint with CSS.***


Complaints must be filed in writing no later than 180 days after the alleged act of discrimination occurred to, 1363 W. Market St., Smithfield, NC 27577.

Title VI or ADA complaint forms may be obtained from the CSS office or downloaded from the website at not cost. 

Contact CSS at 919-934-6066.

1050 W. Noble Street

Selma, NC 27576


Phone: 919-202-5030

Fax: 919-202-5032

TDD/TTY: 800-735-2962

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